What is it with some songs and the effect they have on us. Im stuck on one particular one right now, its from the second Aladdin movie, Return Of Jafar. The song is called Forget About Love... go figure! Over the last say, 3 days i think iv heard it over a couple of dozen times... yes, a couple of dozen!! And here i go again putting it on my itunes single repeat mode!! Im going between singing Jasmine, Aladdin and Iago's parts... all that at the moment seem equally relevant to me... which is funny cause the Iago is saying exactly the opposite of the other two... but then again... thats what love does to you right...! Im used to singing Aladdin's part alone, as my ex used to sing Jasmine's part... this is of course where the problem lies i suppose... the absence of another singing voice... both metaphorically and literally speaking... as for Iago... ummm... I'v never sung any songs that he was in... till now i guess!!
Why do i do it? im wondering about that myself... if one were to see me do it... well, lets just say.. its quite a show... especially when im trying to be two characters at the same time... sometimes i just cant decide see...! Anyway, i get all into it and dance around (when the space permits)... make all the right expressions and sing better than usual, as most do when there is no one really watching... then of course, an hour ago i got caught doing a sober version of this in a rickshaw... yeah yeah, i got carried away okay...!
Here is what im thinking, sometimes its cause your hearing what you really want to but no one will tell you cause its not going to happen for you... i know that one sucks big time... if its not this one your on another stage, it'l be because your hearing something you want to say to that person (a lot of times this stage has painful, angry and even hateful music) or of course, when u dont have the courage to say how you feel and thats why... (ps. if its the last one, sing it to her/him... always works!! :-P ).
anyway, the point of all of this... im reminding myself why I love music so much and why its so important to me... it really does help a lot of the healing and growing that we think we have to do alone...!
(CHECK OUT THE VIDEO OF THE SONG...!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMrbT4Ycv1A&feature=related )