Tuesday, 22 June 2010


(I wrote this as an accompaniment to a short ariel-dance piece I choreographed for myself as part of a 3 week ariel performance workshop with Brandy Leary... il try and figure out how to put the vid of it up next!)

I awake to the sound of my breathing. Within myself first and then on the outside. Where I have awoken I cannot always tell right away... At times I wake into a dream that resembles a reality, other times into a reality that could be a dream. But then again who can tell which is which?

Haven't you ever wondered if you'll suddenly wake up and find all of this has disappeared? that it was only a dream?

I no longer do.

My faith lies in the laws of gravity. Especially when they fail. I need nothing more, for i know in the end i still feel alive.

I continue spinning, in and out of control... and when the world is a blur even when steady, how does it matter what direction I am turning in?

I am asked to turn in sync with the world by people who do not turn it. But I move to my own rhythm. The one i began with, awoke with.

In and out of consciousness too i go, only to wake some place else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't know how many times
I have read this already.
The only selfish reason
why a comment never got posted
is that I wanted to read this again
without the agony of finding
my words staring back at me.

I wl try with whatever way I know.

Each time I read this, there's this peace that finds its way into me
like a migratory bird. the peace of
imagining you move on the rope,
all to yourself- beautiful
and complete..
the peace my eyes reflect as they absorb the rhythm of those slow movements.
the peace of knowing
that every time my poet
wields her pen.. she spills a little of me too on the paper.. and perhaps so many other souls too. she lends her voice. she grants her expression.
so would you not write a million
things more A, for all my unwritten
verses are always about you? and those are all i could ever hope to give. close to a million and seven unwritten verses..!

p.s.: the pic in which you hide
your face in your hand reminded me
of a you few years back. at a time when you wouldn't pose for the cam.
a bit consumed by things around you or a bit shy..(don't know if those are just random)... you would just be..

this is too shabby but I couldn't just let you wake up to nothing.
remove this once you're through. and all those other stupid comments. (love grant me

boy I'm so missing my space shuttle! :-)