Sunday, 20 May 2007

Half song

Nobody deserves to be treated this way,
Not even me with my sins circling my head
Sins appointed by this asinine society of ours
And the christian community too
(though i am not a part of them).
So fuck off, now that your done fucking me
It was too good to resist at the time
And it just turned out well for you
But you loved it too, i heard it in your breathing
Now its cold cause you left me outside
You and your warmth walked the opposite direction
Leaving me to stagger into darkness for shelter

This is a half song, incomplete as a reflection of me
as a reflection of your sensitivity and cold heart...

1 comment:

Phoenix Rising... said...

fuck em all! fuck the asswipe society that does nothing but make a mockery of all tat's happy and society to butt in and create a situation where there's person's pain is entertaiment for the whole lot of hyenas out there! So much for 'ahimsa' and 'tolerance' ..I say 'Defiance' holds the key...lets defy em! and to hell with all those who dont agree with us ...ditto for those who are too scared to stand up for themselves!! this fite aint for the chicken shits ;)....Rage Rage into the dying light!!!!